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Captain's Blog:   July 25, 2018

Personal Blog Entry 1: Statement of Purpose


As you might imagine, there's quite a bit of ground that we cover in the course of writing our podcast articles and producing our audio content. However, we don't always have the time to expound on certain topics in a more in depth fashion.


As the Captain, I recognize that and respect your time; as such, I have created a blog space for the expounding of topics, personal opinions related to topics covered in podcasts, and so forth.


My Statement of Purpose, therefore, in creating this blog, is as follows:


1. To explain and/or expound on certain topics in articles and podcast recordings that cannot be fully spoken on in the course of a podcast or article writing (whether it be because of time constraints or for other reasons).


2. To provide a forum for myself, as the Commanding Officer, to offer an opinion that's separate and apart from the Tryhard Academy.


Opinions are like mouths; everyone has one, and some of them need to be brushed more than twice a day.


In that same vein, I have also authorized a space for members of the senior staff to voice their opinions, should they see fit to do so. I welcome dissenting opinion, and encourage my people to voice their concerns so that their voice can be heard.


Going forward, let's all of us be heard. And let's all get good, together.




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