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Who Are We and What Is Our Purpose?

"Friends teach you what you want to know. Enemies teach you what you need to know."


For those who might not know, the above quote is the flavor text on the card Rhystic Study, originally released in Prophecy block. 


Our organization approaches competitive Magic: The Gathering, and especially Competitive Elder Dragon Highlander (cEDH for short) from this perspective.


A little more than a year ago, in 2017, what started as a joke on a series of Facebook posts on a EDH Community page involving another member later turned into an idea which has blossomed into the moderately played Black Lotus (sic) you see before you.


There is a common misconception about what cEDH is and what it is not, and we hope to help clarify some of those misconceptions, not only through our deck techs and topic discussions, but also on topics that are related to the Competitive EDH community, to include some talk about the Reserved List and other things as well.


We realize that Competitive EDH is not for everyone. We cannot necessarily appeal to those of you out there who want to toss around cardboard for the sake of tossing around cardboard. If that's your style of play, then this page might not be for you.


But if you're interested in Playing to Win, and want to Get Good like we do, then feel free to stick around and peruse our content.


As we like to say around here, "It's Always Better To Get Good Rather Than Get Wrecked." 

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