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October 21st, 2018

Blog Entry #4: Website/Content Update.

     As of today, episode 3, entitled "The Toxic Deluge", is available not only on our website here, but also on YouTube as well.


     For the sake of ease and clarity, we will be linking the episode article and the audio/video podcast episode itself, onto this blog entry.


     We hope you enjoy this new video and article, as it was a blast to create. We had a quite a bit of fun with this one.


     As a friendly advisory, some of the article content may be NSFW (not suitable for work) due to language and suggestive content. Viewer discretion is advised.



     Feel free to follow either one of the two following links to find the new article and/or the new video.


     Thanks again for stopping by, and have a great day.




Episode 3:  "The Toxic Deluge" (Audio/Video Podcast)




Episode 3: "The Toxic Deluge", Written Article Version




--- C.O.

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