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January 28th, 2019

Blog Entry #5: Sponsorship!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome in to not only a new year, but some new changes as well on the horizon.


          It's been some time since we have last posted on this website, much less in general over the last month. During that time, the Tryhard Academy Team had taken some time off for the month of December, and during that time, we took some much needed time for ourselves to rest and relax during the 2018 Holiday season.


          Most of us got together with our respective families, and spent some much deserved time with them. The Captain, however, set sailed on his own voyage through the states of California, Nevada, and Arizona over the course of a month, visiting extended family as well as looking for worthy competition at different local game stores in all 3 states. Most notably, in the cities of Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Reno.


          Of all three states, the only location that had any sort of competition for The Commanding Officer for the USS Tryhard, was a small little city in Southern California out in the middle of nowhere.


          Where you ask? Lancaster, California. At a smaller LGS called Bases Cards and Collectibles.


          As for the coolest store? A small LGS and Comic Book Store known as The Game Hub, located in Manhattan Beach, CA. This particular store, attached to their sister shop next door known as The Comic Bug (an equally decent place in their own right), serviced not only the Magic community for the Manhattan Beach area, but also had quite a number of awesome deals, not to mention a respectable discount to military veterans.


          It was a great little shop with decent and chill people. Even with the parking issues being a bit problematic at times (that's L.A. for you, right?!), this place was still a blast to go to.


          If you follow us on Facebook, you'll notice tournament results and postings for the two tournaments I participated in while down in California, both at Bases Cards and Collectibles and at Fire & Dice Games. The other shop, Fire & Dice Games (located in Canoga Park, in the San Fernando Valley), unfortunately didn't quite have the level of competition I was hoping for. Still, it's a decent little shop in its own right, and I suggest taking a trip down there if you're in the area. (I would not however suggest playing in their Commander League, as that's geared more toward the novice player and their awarded points system isn't exactly geared toward Competitive EDH.)


          Be that as it may, let's change gears for a moment and look to the future!!

















          As of about a week ago, the Tryhard Academy recently partnered with Next Level Gaming (located in Salem, Oregon) in an effort to not only support this new LGS which recently opened, but to also start recording live video gameplay of cEDH matches with members of the Academy, as well as with others who are local to the Pacific Northwest; this includes cEDH'ers located in the cities of Corvallis (home of Oregon State University), Portland, and Vancouver, Washington.


        What this means to you, the viewer, is that Tryhard Academy has entered a tentative sponsorship agreement with Next Level Gaming, and will soon be making preparations to record live gameplay footage of matches at this new LGS! In short, the scope of this agreement involves advertisement for the store during our videos, in exchange for rental space where these videos will be recorded at.


          We're excited at this new turn of events, and we hope you'll be excited with us, as this means new content will soon be provided for you.


          And that's not counting other great news that's coming down the pike! Among other things, we are expanding our operation into new avenues as well!!


          What are those "new avenues" you ask?? Well, we can't go into the details quite yet as they're still being ironed out, but what I can say is that these "new avenues" are potentially monumental for not only the channel, but for you the viewer.


          In the meantime, Episode 5 of our main podcast, as well as Episodes 2 and 3 of The Future Sight Series have recently been posted on our webpage. If you haven't done so yet, go ahead and check them out! And if you have, feel free to leave a comment as well as suggestions for future channel content via our email:



          That's about all we have for now. Stay tuned to the channel for more updates as they roll in. Thanks for stopping by, and as always, it's always better to Get Good Rather Than Get Wrecked.



--- C.O.


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